II Latin

Research Congress.

Challenges and Opportunities


11 - 12 November 2021
Last date to submit: September 19, 2021
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II Latin America Hospitality Research Congress.

Announcement: Call for Papers

The School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), the CETT Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy (Universitat de Barcelona) and Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management of Universidad Externado de Colombia invite you to participate in the second edition of the Latin America Hospitality Research Congress, which will be held November 11th and 12th, 2021.​

The event's main objective is to gather academic, researchers, professionals, and students from the hospitality sector interested in assessing the industry challenges and opportunities to improve the hospitality industry's competitiveness level​.

Hospitality Research
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Research Topics​

The prioritized thematic research axes for this congress are:

New technologies

New technologies

Artificial intelligence, robotics, augmented reality, internet of things, chatbots, virtual assistants, security and privacy, zero contacts experiences, among others.

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction

Customer expectations, satisfaction, loyalty, tailor-made service, safety and health, among others.

Consumer behavior

Consumer behavior

Consumer profile, behavior based on millennial generational styles, centenialls, and aging population, local tourism, new consumer demands, micro-segmentation, among others.​

Revenue management

Revenue management

Distribution channels, simulators, information technology, online distribution channels, supply and demand, pricing, among others.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing

Inbound marketing, content marketing, social media, mobile applications, search engines, video marketing, websites among others.



Social and/or corporate responsibility, environmental, economic and financial, efficiencies in water and energy consumption, use of solar energy, reduction of toxic waste, motion sensors among others.

Crisis management

Crisis management

COVID-19, prevention and contingency plans, impact on the sector by natural disasters, man-made disasters, terrorism, pandemics, post-crisis recovery, among others.

Human resources management

Human resources management

Organizational management, organization behavior management, competences development, organization climate, well-being, happiness at work.

New technologies

New technologies

Artificial intelligence, robotics, augmented reality, internet of things, chatbots, virtual assistants, security and privacy, zero contacts experiences, among others.

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction

Customer expectations, satisfaction, loyalty, tailor-made service, safety and health, among others.

Consumer behavior

Consumer behavior

Consumer profile, behavior based on millennial generational styles, centenialls, and aging population, local tourism, new consumer demands, micro-segmentation, among others.​

Revenue management

Revenue management

Distribution channels, simulators, information technology, online distribution channels, supply and demand, pricing, among others.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing

Inbound marketing, content marketing, social media, mobile applications, search engines, video marketing, websites among others.



Social and/or corporate responsibility, environmental, economic and financial, efficiencies in water and energy consumption, use of solar energy, reduction of toxic waste, motion sensors among others.

Crisis management

Crisis management

COVID-19, prevention and contingency plans, impact on the sector by natural disasters, man-made disasters, terrorism, pandemics, post-crisis recovery, among others.

Human resources management

Human resources management

Organizational management, organization behavior management, competences development, organization climate, well-being, happiness at work.

General Information

The paper submission process must be carried out considering the following requirements:

  1. Submissions must be original and should not be already published nor under revision elsewhere.
  2. Once the submission is accepted, at least one of the authors must register and present it at the conference.
  3. The author’s name and affiliation should not be included in the manuscript as this conference uses double-blind peer review process.
  4. All contributions (full paper or extended abstract) should follow the format and style described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 7th edition).
  5. Accepted languages of contributions (full paper or extended abstract) are Spanish and English.
  6. The papers will be presented orally at thematic sessions within the Congress, parallel session in Spanish and English.
Opportunities for Publication

The best-evaluated papers will be recommended for publication:

  1. Some of the best English papers covering hospitality topics related to tourism business environment, tourism demand, consumer behaviour, segmentation, cocreation of tourism experiences, tourism policy, tourism marketing, Information Communication Technology, distribution of tourism and intermediation strategies, or sustainability among others will be considered for publication in Tourism Review.
  2. Some of the best English papers connected with tourism management, tourism marketing, tourism sociology, psychology in tourism, tourism geography, political sciences in tourism, mathematics, tourism statistics, tourism anthropology, culture and tourism, heritage and tourism, national identity and tourism, and information technologies and empirical studies with either a European context or clearly stated implications for the European tourism industry will be considered for publication in the European Journal of Tourism Research.
  3. Some of the best English papers related to the tourism business, including economics, planning and development, management, marketing, human resources, sociology, psychology, geography, information and communication technologies, service quality, finance, and education will be considered for publication in Enlightening Tourism. A Pathmaking Journal.
  4. The best papers in English or Spanish that analyze the relationship between the hotel or restaurant sectors with destinations, territory or landscape will be considered for publication in Ara: Journal of Tourism Research.
  5. The best papers in Spanish or English that analyze the relation between territories and companies and that allow the exchange of ideas and positions against tourism as a complex phenomenon from an interdisciplinary view, may be considered for publication in the Turismo y Sociedad journal.
  6. Facultad de Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras de la Universidad Externado de Colombia will publish research books with chapters from the presentations that will be subject to double-blind peer review.​

Authors will always have the opportunity to decide whether to accept or not the recommendation for publication in any of the suggested journals or books.

Get to know the preliminary program and the members of the Reviewers Committee

Important dates
Registration Open

Last date to submit:
September 19, 2021

Organized by

Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

School of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Universidad Externado de Colombia

Facultad de Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras

Maestría en Alta Dirección y Desarrollo Hotelero

Grupo de investigación Turismo y Sociedad

CETT-UB Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy
Universitat de Barcelona

GRATIR (Hospitality Research Group)
