The UPC School of Engineering’s mission is to educate upstanding leader engineers capable of applying science, technology and management knowledge to offer innovative solutions that contribute to the transformation of society. Its vision is to be leaders in higher engineering education by being recognized for academic excellence, applied research, and innovation capacity.
Be the developer of technologies that improve people`s health and quality of life.
Doctor in Business Administration from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain). Master in Information Technology Management from the Ramon Llull La Salle University - Spain. MBA and Master in Information Technology and Systems Management from ESAN.
Master in Higher Education Teaching from the Andrés Bello University (Chile). Diploma in Business Management from Arizona State University (United States), Data Science from Berkeley School of Information (United States) and Advanced Business Management from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain). Graduated as a Systems Engineer from the National University of Engineering. Professional with extensive experience in managing multinational projects in Information Systems and Technologies.
The excellent performance of our students and alumni is the example of the educational challenge and quality we provide.
The UPC School of Engineering has more than 50 laboratories in its 4 campuses equipped with the most modern technology and tools for students to put into practice the knowledge learned in class.
The School of Engineering has more than 100 international agreements around the world, a triple degree agreement with the University of Arizona, TOP 100 in the world, several double degree options, exchanges, Winter and Summer School and much more. Each agreement aims to strengthen and develop an academic and cultural exchange in our programs.
*Availability of agreements subject to renewal
Each agreement aims to strengthen and develop an academic and cultural exchange in our programs.
*Disponibilidad de convenios sujetos a renovación
The UPC School of Engineering is #1 in research growth at national level.
In the last 4 years, a total of 362 scientific papers prepared by the School and its students have been selected for publication in internationally indexed journals and conferences such as the Congress of the Universidad Nova de Lisboa, the Congress of the Universidad Católica de Colombia, BTSYM of the State University of Campinas Brazil, Industrial Technology and Management Conference of Oxford-UK University, as well as important conferences in Italy, Spain and Argentina, among others.
*Source: Scopus, Ingeniería y Tecnología 2019 vs 2018.
At the UPC, we have an academic and social commitment to the country by promoting a culture of continuous improvement. We work to achieve excellence in teaching, research and social responsibility for the benefit of our students, graduates, and the country. For this reason, we are accredited by two prestigious institutions: ABET (international accreditation) and ICACIT (national accreditation).
After an arduous process, the Civil Engineering and Industrial Engineering programs have been awarded the ABET accreditation that assures the quality of education and ensures that their graduates have all the competencies to join the global workforce as efficient professionals. These two new accreditations add to the list of accreditations that the School has had for the Information Systems Engineering, Software Engineering and Electronic Engineering programs for the last 12 years. ABET is the #1 accrediting agency in the United States, specialized in certifying schools and universities in the STEC (Science, Technology, Engineering and Computing) fields. It accredits the most prestigious universities in the world such as Harvard, MIT and Yale.
ICACIT accreditation is a prestigious national accrediting body specializing in computer science, engineering and technology. It promotes continuous improvement and ensures that programs meet high international standards to ensure that graduates are ready to practice their profession. The program accredited by ICACIT is Information Systems Engineering.
Today, more than ever, Peru and the world require young people with an innovative profile to face the challenges before us. With our new admission process, you will be able to apply from the comfort of your home, so nothing stops your future.
Prolongación Primavera 2390, Monterrico, Santiago de Surco
Informes: 313-3333 -
610-5030 |
Servicio al alumno 630-3333 | Fax: 313-3334
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