
Managerial Economics

About Managerial Economics

At UPC, we train future strategists and managers to lead organizations based on the understanding of the economic situation, developing projects and innovative businesses. In addition, our professionals improve their decision-making. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, leadership ability, are analytical and have numerical skills then this program is for you.

Which degree will be obtained?

Bachelor's degree in Managerial Economics

What will the duration be?

10 academic terms in a 5-year period

Where will you be able to study?

Monterrico campus.

Area of Application

After studying Managerial Economics at UPC, you will be able to work as:

  • General manager.
  • Researcher and project executor.
  • Official or advisor of public bodies.
  • Independent consultant.
+ 120

International Agreements with prestigious universities.

In internationality in Peru. 2014 - 2018 rankings of the "América Economía” magazine).

Among all Peruvian universities, according to the Scimago Institutions Ranking Globe 2019 on most research in Peru. Scimago Institutions SIR Ranking 2019.


Bloomberg labs of the same financial systems used by brokers for decision-making.


The curriculum of the Managerial Economics program at UPC is divided into 10 terms, which seek to properly train you in everything related to the economic analysis for an appropriate decision-making. Click on the Download button.








  • Comprensión y producción de lenguaje 1
  • Fundamentos de Economía General
  • Fundamentos de las Finanzas
  • Matemática Básica
  • Taller de Creatividad
  • Comprensión y Producción de Lenguaje 2
  • Contabilidad General
  • Cálculo Diferencial e Integral para Economistas
  • Introducción a la Microeconomía
  • Lógica (Econ)
  • Contabilidad Financiera
  • Introducción a la Macroeconomía
  • Matemática Financiera para Economistas
  • Microeconomía Avanzada
  • Seminario de Investigación Académica 1
  • Marketing para Economistas
  • Estadística
  • Macroeconomía Avanzada
  • Matemática Avanzada para Economistas
  • Microeconomía Aplicada
  • Gerencia Financiera para Economistas
  • Estadística para Economistas
  • Informática para Economistas
  • Macroeconomía Aplicada
  • Ética y Ciudadanía
  • Economía de la Estrategia
  • Historia Económica del Perú
  • Gerencia para Economistas
  • Historia del Pensamiento Económico
  • Introducción a la Econometría
  • Mercados e Instituciones Financieras
  • Teoría Económica Internacional
  • Análisis de la Coyuntura Económica
  • Economía Pública
  • Evaluación de Proyectos
  • Investigación de Mercados Aplicada
  • Microeconometría
  • Organización Industrial
  • Escuela Austríaca de Economía
  • Aplicaciones Empresarial de Teoría de los Juegos
  • Macroeconometría
  • Teoría Monetaria
  • Historia de la Filosofía
  • Regulación Económica
  • Seminario de Investigación Académica 2 (Econ)
  • Electivo
  • Crecimiento y Desarrollo
  • Macroeconomía Abierta
  • Proyecto de Tesis 1
  • Electivo
  • Electivo
  • Deontología Profesional
  • Dirección Financiera
  • Política Económica
  • Proyecto de Tesis 2
  • Electivo
  • Electivo

Why study Economics at UPC?

Carlos Adrianzén, Dean of the School of Economics, talks about why choosing Economics at UPC.


Why study Economics at UPC?


Bloomberg Laboratories at UPC


Discover why you should study Economics at UPC

Why study Managerial Economics at UPC?

UPC evolves and strives to offer the best for its students.

Education in strategy and management

So you make the best decisions within organizations.

First-class faculty

Expert faculty who work in their profession.

Professional Title

You will be a Licentiate in Economics after completing the process for obtaining the professional title.


You will use the same systems as brokers do.

Your program from the beginning

Permanent contact with economics topics from the first terms.

Triple degree

Agreements to obtain a triple degree with the University of Arizona (Bachelor’s degree and Master's degree).


Study one or two terms abroad. You will be able to choose among
the following options:

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University of Arizona (Estados Unidos)


Universidad Europea de Madrid (España)


London School of Economics (Reino Unido)


University of Liverpool (Reino Unido)


University of California Irvine (Estados Unidos)

"I had the opportunity to travel to Massachusetts and participate in the HMUN; this is an international conference that brings together university students from all over the world, and I believe that, with the tools that the School has taught me, I could contribute to a better development in the country".

Diego paredes
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Prolongación Primavera 2390, Monterrico, Santiago de Surco
Informes: 313-3333 - 610-5030 | Servicio al alumno 630-3333 | Fax: 313-3334
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