Dean of the School of Education Human Sciences
Director of the Professional Translation and Interpretation Program
Doctor (C) at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Spain). Master in Education for Higher Education by the Universidad Andres Bello in Chile, Magna Cum Laude distinction. Professional title in Education by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
She is also a Licentiate in Translation and Interpretation by Universidad Ricardo Palma. She was a teacher trainer with specialization in English in the mixed graduate program (LEMN) of the School of Education at the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos and independent consultant for Heinle/Cengage in Peru. In 2003, she was a grantee by the Fullbright Commission (USA).
Ana Barra Cerdeña Sworn Translator. General Manager of Traductores Asociados SRL.
Frederic Chaume Valera Main Researcher of Grupo TRAMA. Professor at Universidad Jaume I.
Miguel Fernández Reyna Project Manager. Translation Back Office.
Liliana Galván Psychologist and corporate consultant.
Mare Gordillo Zlósilo Conference interpreter. Business Communications Consulting SAC.
Luigi Luccarelli Conference interpreter, AIIC member, specialist in interpretation didactics at the University of Maryland.
Rosa Luna García Professor and researcher at Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas.
Hilda Ascencio Pasache Dean of the Peruvian Professional Translators Association.
Mary Ann Monteagudo Medina Sworn Translator. Executive Manager of E Learning.
María del Pilar Zuazo Mantilla Translator and interpreter of the Republic of Peru.
Fabio Salsi Freelance translator in Fabio Salsi Traduzioni.
Angie Tapia Díaz Specialist in project management.
Soraya Yrigoyen Fajardo PhD in Sociology and Political Sciences. International Institute for Law and Society.
Prolongación Primavera 2390, Monterrico, Santiago de Surco
Informes: 313-3333 - 610-5030 | Servicio al alumno 630-3333 | Fax: 313-3334
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