
Physical Therapy

About Physical Therapy

The only program in the country to offer sports and physio-aesthetic physiotherapy courses. As physiotherapists, you will be able to assist, diagnose, rehabilitate, prevent, and promote the physical health of people. Do you need more information? Please contact our program director at the following e-mail address to arrange an appointment:

Which degree will be obtained?

Licentiate in Physical Therapy

What will the duration be?

10 academic terms in 5 years.

Where will you be able to study?

Villa campus

Area of Application

After studying Physical Therapy at UPC, you will be able to work as:

  • You will be able to work in the following settings: private and public hospitals, rehabilitation centers, alternative therapy centers, schools and universities, sports clubs, gyms, geriatric centers, independent private practice, physiotherapy and rehabilitation cabinets, companies and work centers, municipalities, NGOs.
  • You will become a specialist with a comprehensive view, management skills and solid aptitudes for the prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and promotion of people’s physical health. In this way, you will be able to lead the labor market.

Specialized labs, with state-of-the-art labs at the University Health Center.

Education with training in simulators and with real patients.

Interdisciplinary education, together with other health programs.

International agreements with prestigious universities.


In order to achieve a greater understanding by students and stakeholders, UPC presents the curriculum of the Physical Therapy program, comprising the courses that its future professionals will take to achieve optimal preparation.

    Estudios Generales

    Fundamentos Biológicos

    Estructura y Función

    Comportamiento y Sociedad

    Gestión y Salud Pública


    Educación Clínica y Profesional

    Rotaciones Clínicas


  • Fundamentos de fisioterapia
  • Estructura y función
  • Procesos biológicos 1
  • Gestión y búsqueda de información científica
  • Liderazgo personal
  • Razonamiento Científico
  • Razonamiento Cuantitativo
  • Evaluación y diagnóstico fisioterapéutico I
  • Sistema locomotor
  • Sistema Tegumentario
  • Comunicación
  • Agresión y defensa
  • Evaluación y diagnóstico fisioterapéutico II
  • Desarrollo Humano y Social
  • Sistema Nervioso
  • Sistema Endocrino y Reproductor
  • Biomecánica del movimiento
  • Nutrición y Metabolismo
  • Fisioterapia del aparato Locomotor I
  • Sistema Respiratorio
  • Sistema Circulatorio
  • Estilos de Vida Medio Ambiente y Salud
  • Salud Pública
  • Integración clínico farmacológica
  • Fisioterapia del aparato Locomotor II
  • Clínica Integral I
  • Desarrollo Psicomotor
  • Fisiología del ejercicio
  • Epidemiología
  • Fisioterapia Respiratoria y Cardiológica
  • Fisioterapia Neurológica I
  • Clínica Integral II
  • Metodología de la investigación científica
  • Integración Clínico Patológica
  • Ética y profesionalismo
  • Fisioterapia dermatofuncional
  • Fisioterapia Neurológica II
  • Ergonomía y Salud ocupacional
  • Proyecto de tesis 1
  • Gestión en Salud
  • Electivo
  • Fisioterapia deportiva
  • Seminario Integrador 1
  • Externado
  • Emprendedurismo
  • Electivo
  • Electivo
  • Fisioterapia en comunidad
  • Fisioterapia Ginecobstétrica
  • Proyecto de tesis 2
  • Seminario Integrador 2
  • Electivo
  • Fisioterapia Clínica
  • Electivo

The Physical Therapit’s Role-Lima 2019

Learn about the importance of our professionals during Lima 2019.

UPC & Clarkson University

Relive the One Health experience.

Physical Therapy at UPC

Learn what a Physical Therapy class is like at UPC

Areas of application

Look at everything UPC offers you to study Physical Therapy.


The Physical Therapit’s Role-Lima


UPC & Clarkson University


Physical Therapy at UPC


Areas of application

Why study Physical Therapy at UPC?

UPC evolves and strives to offer the best for its students.

Unique teaching

Simulation-based learning in cutting-edge clinical spaces, where students will have an early contact with real patients and a direct contact with their profession from the start.

Outstanding professors

Our faculty are professionals with experience, from local and international universities.

Infrastructure and technology

We have specialized labs at the University Health Center and a Simulation Center with state-of-the- art equipment that allows learning in controlled settings.

Management and entrepreneurship

We strengthen your management and entrepreneurial skills, so you can lead your own company successfully.


We have 30 agreements with universities in four countries in Latin America, four in Europe, and three in North America.

Interdisciplinary education

Patient-centered inter-professional education, in collaboration with other health programs: Medicine, Dentistry, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Psychology.

Curricular area dedicated to research

Most of our graduates obtain their professional title by publishing a research project in a prestigious journal.


Study one or two terms abroad. You will be able to choose among
the following options:

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Prolongación Primavera 2390, Monterrico, Santiago de Surco
Informes: 313-3333 - 610-5030 | Servicio al alumno 630-3333 | Fax: 313-3334
Contacto | Política de Privacidad | Términos y Condiciones