
Nutrition and Dietetics

About Nutrition and Dietetics

As a nutritionist, you will be able to diagnose and intervene in clinical nutrition or public nutrition health problems, or food science to guarantee individual and social well-being. Do you need more information? Please contact our program director at the following e-mail address to arrange an appointment:

Which degree will be obtained?

Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics and title in Nutrition and Dietetics

What will the duration be?

10 academic terms in 5 years.

Where will you be able to study?

Villa campus

Area of Application

You will be able to work in the following fields:

  • National food programs.
  • Food services.
  • Food quality certification.
  • Gyms.
  • International cooperation agencies.
  • Hospitals and clinics.
  • Food analysis labs.
  • Hotels.
  • Specialized health institutes.
  • Food and pharmaceutical industry companies.
  • Sports clubs.
  • Private offices.

Exchange with prestigious universities in the Laureate network.

Practical nutrition courses from the start of the program.

Nutrition offices at the University Health Center.

Food analysis and dietetics labs, as well as a simulation center.


In order to achieve a greater understanding by students and stakeholders, UPC presents the curriculum of the Nutrition and Dietetics program, comprising the courses that its future professionals will take to achieve optimal preparation.

    Estudios Generales

    Fundamentos Biológicos

    Estructura y Función

    Comportamiento y Sociedad


    Educación Clínica y Profesional

    Gestión y Salud Pública

    Rotaciones Clínicas


  • Procesos Biológicos 1
  • Comunicación
  • Gestión y Búsqueda de Información Científica
  • Liderazgo Personal
  • Estructura y Función
  • Fundamentos de Nutrición
  • Razonamiento Científico
  • Procesos Biológicos 2
  • Sistema Digestivo
  • Antropología y Cultura
  • Situación Alimentaria Nutricional
  • Práctica Nutricional 1
  • Razonamiento Cuantitativo
  • Agresión y Defensa
  • Sistema Circulatorio
  • Sistema Endocrino y Reproductor
  • Práctica Nutricional 2
  • Estilos de Vida Medio Ambiente y Salud
  • Bioquímica de Alimentos y Bromatología
  • Sistema Hematopoyético
  • Sistema Excretor
  • Salud Pública
  • Técnicas Dietéticas y Gastronómicas
  • Desarrollo Humano y Social
  • Fármaco Nutriente
  • Integración Clínico Patológica
  • Tecnología y Biotecnología de Alimentos
  • Dietética y Diseño de Dietas
  • Nutrición Materno Infantil
  • Nutrición Molecular
  • Marketing Social
  • Epidemiología
  • Metodología de la Investigación Científica
  • Higiene y Calidad de los Alimentos
  • Nutrición del Niño y del Adolescente
  • Ética y Profesionalismo
  • Marketing Nutricional
  • Legislación Alimentaria
  • Proyecto de Tesis 1
  • Nutrición en el Adulto
  • Electivo
  • Educación Alimentaria Nutricional
  • Emprendedurismo
  • Gestión en Nutrición
  • Nutrición en Actividad Física
  • Seminario Integrador 1
  • Electivo
  • Proyecto de Tesis 2
  • Nutrición en Geriatría
  • Nutrición en Comunidad
  • Electivo
  • Electivo
  • Externado Pediatría
  • Externado Medicina Interna
  • Externado Cirugía
  • Externado Ambulatorio
  • Soporte Nutricional
  • Electivo

International students at UPC

Learn about the Liverpool John Moores University experience at UPC.

We educate professionals who are different

Give your career a purpose; learn about our graduates’ story.


International students at UPC


We educate professionals who are different

Why study Nutrition and Dietetics at UPC?

UPC evolves and strives to offer the best for its students.

Unique teaching

You will take practical nutrition courses from the start of the program.

Outstanding professors

Our faculty are professionals with experience, from local and international universities.

Infrastructure and technology

We have a nutrition office at the University Health Center, food analysis and dietetics labs, and a simulation center.

Management and entrepreneurship

We strengthen your management and entrepreneurial skills, so you can lead your own company successfully.

International agreements

We have 37 agreements with universities in five countries in Latin America, five in Europe, four in North America and one in Oceania.

Interdisciplinary education

With collaborative work and interdisciplinary education associated with other health programs: Medicine, Dentistry, and Physical Therapy.

Leader graduates

They publish and are professional spokespeople for specialized journals, newspapers, and TV and radio interviews.


Study one or two terms abroad. You will be able to choose among
the following options:

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Prolongación Primavera 2390, Monterrico, Santiago de Surco
Informes: 313-3333 - 610-5030 | Servicio al alumno 630-3333 | Fax: 313-3334
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