

About Medicine

A highly differentiated program in terms of infrastructure, technology, lab equipment, and modern curriculum that enables students to have a solid education to become highly capable physicians. Do you need more information? Please contact our program director at the following e-mail address to arrange an appointment:

Which degree will be obtained?

Bachelor of Medicine and title of Surgeon

What will the duration be?

14 academic terms in 7 years.

Where will you be able to study?

Villa Campus

Area of Application

You will be able to work as a

  • Medical practitioner or public or private institution manager.
  • Research physician.
  • Teaching physician.
  • Consulting physician for national and international companies.

Simulated hospital for clinical practice.

Structure and function laboratories with state-of-the-art technology.

International agreements with prestigious universities.

Two years of clinical practice in externship, in addition to internship.


In order to achieve a greater understanding by students and stakeholders, UPC presents the curriculum of the Medicine program, comprising the courses that its future professionals will take to achieve optimal preparation.

  • Razonamiento Científico
  • Liderazgo Personal
  • Procesos Biológicos 1
  • Estructura y Función
  • Fundamentos de la Salud
  • Comunicación
  • Gestión y Búsqueda de Información Científica
  • Procesos Biológicos 2
  • Sistema Nervioso
  • Sistema Tegumentario
  • Práctica Médica: Sistemas Nervioso y Tegumentario
  • Razonamiento Cuantitativo
  • Agresión y Defensa
  • Farmacología
  • Sistema Circulatorio
  • Sistema Respiratorio
  • Práctica Médica: Sistemas Circulatorio y Respiratorio
  • Desarrollo Humano y Social
  • Inmunidad e Infección
  • Sistemas Endocrino y Reproductor
  • Sistema Excretor
  • Práctica Médica: Sistemas Endocrino, Reproductor y Excretor
  • Estilos de Vida, Medio Ambiente y Salud
  • Nutrición y Metabolismo
  • Sistema Locomotor
  • Sistema Hematopoyético
  • Sistema Digestivo
  • Práctica Médica: Sistemas Locomotor, Hematopoyético y Digestivo
  • Ética y Profesiona
  • Integración Clínico-Patológica 1
  • Mecanismos Genéticos de Enfermedad
  • Cerebro y Comportamiento
  • Salud Pública
  • Práctica Médica: Exploración Mental
  • Integración Clínico-Patológica 2
  • Epidemiología
  • Metodología de la Investigación Científica
  • Clínica Integrada
  • Terapéutica Integrada
  • Integración Clínico-Patológica 3
  • Estrategias Sanitarias
  • Proyecto de Investigación 1
  • Seminario Integrador 1
  • Diagnóstico Comunitario
  • Seminario Integrador 2
  • Externado de Medicina Interna
  • Externado de Cirugía
  • Intervención en Comunidad
  • Proyecto de Investigación 2
  • Seminario Integrador 3
  • Externado de Pediatría
  • Externado de Ginecología y Obstetricia
  • Gestión en Salud
  • Seminario Integrador 4
  • Externado de Medicina Familiar
  • Externado de Emergencia
  • Electivo
  • Medicina Legal
  • Externado de Salud Comunitaria
  • Externado de Psiquiatría
  • Electivo
  • Internado de Medicina
  • Internado de Cirugía
  • Internado en Ginecología y Obstetricia
  • Internado en Pediatría

Medicine admissions rehearsal

The Medicine admissions rehearsal was last June 23

Welcome, future physicians!

A new generation of UPC physicians was born last October 8

International students at UPC

Gustavo Ramos tells us about his experience in the Medicine program at UPC

Experience Medicine at UPC

Our graduate Reneé Pereyra tell us about his experience


Medicine admissions rehearsal


Welcome, future physicians!


International students at UPC


Experience Medicine at UPC

Why study Medicine at UPC?

UPC evolves and strives to offer the best for its students.

Unique teaching

Competency-based, centered on autonomous and comprehensive learning. Our curriculum comprises organic systems in the structure and function track. In addition, our students acquire clinical skills in simulation spaces as of the first term.

Outstanding professors

Our faculty are professionals with experience, graduated from local and international universities.

Infrastructure and technology

We have a simulated hospital and structure and function labs with state-of-the-art technology that allows learning in controlled settings.


We are members of the VSLO network, managed by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). We have agreements with Des Moines University (USA), Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (Brazil), Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile), Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy).

Educational model

Our students do two years of clinical practice in externship, in addition to internship.


Study one or two terms abroad. You will be able to choose among
the following options:

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Prolongación Primavera 2390, Monterrico, Santiago de Surco
Informes: 313-3333 - 610-5030 | Servicio al alumno 630-3333 | Fax: 313-3334
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