
Gastronomy and Culinary Management

About Gastronomy and Culinary Management

Our program trains upstanding and innovative professionals to lead a profitable culinary and gastronomic development, and educates the best chefs and entrepreneurs. When you graduate from the Gastronomy and Culinary Management program, you will have the necessary tools to represent our culinary identity and create your own style with solid arguments.

If you are passionate about cooking, curious and investigative, are an entrepreneur and intuitive for business, as well as perfectionist and persevering, this program is for you.

Which degree will be obtained?

Bachelor’s degree in Gastronomy and Culinary Management

What will the duration be?

10 academic terms in a 5-year period

Where will you be able to study?

Monterrico campus

Area of Application

After studying Gastronomy and Culinary Management at UPC, you will be able to work as:

  • Executive Chef
  • Food and Beverage Manager.
  • Gastronomic Businessperson.
  • Gastronomic Consultant and Advisor.

Our graduate students are the best paid in the country (Source:

+ 120

International agreements with prestigious universities.

In internationality in Peru (2014 - 2018 rankings of the "América Economía” magazine).

Among all Peruvian universities, according to the Scimago Institutions Ranking Globe 2019.


The curriculum of the Gastronomy and Culinary Management program at UPC consists of courses and workshops that will motivate you to develop your creativity optimally. You will be able to take these courses:

    Curso de carrera






  • Antropología y Psicología de la Alimentación y Gastronomía
  • Principios de Nutrición y Dietética
  • Química de los Alimentos
  • Introducción a los Negocios Gastronómicos
  • Introducción al Marketing
  • Comprensión y producción del Lenguaje 1
  • Insumos e Historía de la Gastronomía en el Perú
  • Fundamentos Técnicos de Pastelería
  • Técnicas Culinarias Básicas
  • Bases Físicas y Fisio químicas de los Productos y los Procesos Culinarios
  • Fundamentos para el Cálculo
  • Comprensión y producción del Lenguaje 2
  • Técnicas Culinarias Intermedias
  • Industria Alimentaria
  • Pastelería Intermedia
  • Fundamentos de Logística de Alimentos y Bebidas
  • Fundamentos de la Gerencia
  • Cálculo
  • Seminario de Investigación Académica 1
  • Procesos de Servicios de Restauración
  • Técnicas de Panadería
  • Técnicas Culinarias Avanzadas
  • Logística de Alimentos y Bebidas e Ingeniería del Menú
  • Seguridad Alimentaria
  • Estadística Descriptiva
  • Taller de Creatividad
  • Elaboración de Cata de Vinos
  • Cocina Tradicional de Local Global
  • Pastelería Avanzada
  • Organización Culinaria y Dirección de Operaciones
  • Contabilidad General
  • Temas de Historia del Perú
  • Ética y Ciudadanía
  • Planificación y Diseños de Espacios Culinarios
  • Costos y Presupuestos para la Gastronomía
  • Procesos de Innovación de Técnicas Culinarias
  • Producción Certificada y Marcas de Calidad
  • Marketing en Gastronomía
  • Derecho de los Negocios
  • Comunicación en las Organizaciones
  • Elaboración Culinaria en la Restauración Comercial
  • Gestión del Conocimiento Culinario
  • Prácticas de Iniciación en Alta Cocina e Innovación Gastronómica
  • Pesca y Gastronomía
  • Diseño Organizacional y Procesos
  • Negocios Agroalimentarios
  • Electivo
  • Elaboración Culinaria en Colectividades e Industria Alimentaria
  • Dirección de Alimentos y Bebidas
  • Prac Direc Cul e Innov en Indus Alim y Colect
  • Ética y Responsabilidad Social Empresarial
  • Electivo
  • Electivo
  • Emprendimiento de Negocios 1
  • Investigación Culinaria y Gastronómica
  • Innovación y Desarrollo de Producto
  • Procesos Creativos y Tecnología Culinaria Contemporánea
  • Análisis Sensorial
  • Electivo
  • Emprendimiento de Negocios 2
  • Gestión de la Producción Culinaria
  • Gestión de Franquicias
  • Food Media Industry
  • Electivo

Gastronomy and Culinary Management at UPC

See everything the UPC has to offer to study Gastronomy and Culinary Management at the university.

Gastronomy and Culinary Management at UPC, a program with a multidisciplinary approach

Discover the various disciplines and job opportunities offered by the Culinary Gastronomy and Management career at UPC.

Virgilio Martínez, co-founder of the Gastronomy and Culinary Management program

Learn about Virgilio Martínez, one of the best chefs in the world and co-founder of the Gastronomy and Culinary Management program at UPC.

UPC’s V Interscholastic Gastronomy Contest

Relive the V Interscholastic Gastronomy Contest organized by UPC.


Gastronomy and Culinary Management at UPC


Gastronomy and Culinary Management at UPC, a program with a multidisciplinary approach


Virgilio Martínez, co-founder of the Gastronomy and Culinary Management program


UPC’s V Interscholastic Gastronomy Contest

Why study Gastronomy and Culinary Management at UPC?

UPC evolves and strives to offer the best for its students.

The best team

World-renowned chef Virgilio Martínez, owner of Central, is an active member of the Advisory Committee and co-founder of the program.

Academic exchanges

You may choose to study 1 or 2 academic terms in more than 120 universities worldwide.

Active methodology

Our teaching focuses on your skills and provides a balance between theory and practice.

International double degree

You can obtain an international double degree, thanks to agreements with CETT in Barcelona (Spain), as well as participate in exchange trips to more than 120 universities in the world.

Competency-based management

You will gain the necessary tools to manage the strategic decisions in an organization.

First-class infrastructure

We have first-class facilities, where you can put into practice what you learned during the program; among them, the K’ata restaurant, which opened in 2014, led by executive chef Hervé Galidie, owner of a Michelin star, and Virgilio Martínez, one of the best chefs in the world.


Study one or two terms abroad. You will be able to choose among
the following options:

mapamundi icon-ubigeo icon-ubigeo

School of Tourism and Hospitality (CETT) - Spain


Universidad Europea de Canarias (Spain)


Universidad Europea de Madrid (Spain)

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Prolongación Primavera 2390, Monterrico, Santiago de Surco
Informes: 313-3333 - 610-5030 | Servicio al alumno 630-3333 | Fax: 313-3334
Contacto | Política de Privacidad | Términos y Condiciones